Software Development - Art or Science ?

We believe Software Development is a combination of both Art and Science. The fundamental requisite in either case is that the developer must have a passion and enthusiasm for software development.


The Science of developing or integrating software requires adherence to proven, industry-standard processes. The Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is a widely adopted conceptual roadmap for building reliable software applications.

1. Analysis and Requirements
Existing business processes and applications are evaluated to determine the functional requirements of a software application.

2. Design
The user and functional requirements are translated into detailed program specifications by qualified team members. This requires designing key components of the new system or system enhancement.

3. Development and Testing
The Development stage contains the bulk of the implementation activities required to build the application based on the results of the Design stage. We also perform extensive testing to minimizes bugs that could otherwise appear during User Testing.

4. Deployment
The Deployment stage contains the activities to migrate the application from the development environment to the production environment.


Although we take a pragmatic approach to Software Design and Development, we know it is not a one-sizefits-all profession. Business processes and principles may overlap from company to company and industry to industry, but the variables and parameters that must be accounted for are unique to every application.

Much like an artist’s rendering of a real-life image, our applications are interpretations of actual business processes. We combine the science of software engineering with intuition and innovation to produce world-class solutions.

Our staffs have a relentless passion for software development. We get excited when a challenge is presented, and we summon all of our technical and creative talents in the pursuit to find the best solution.

Our software systems are a canvas for us to exhibit our enthusiasm and dedication. Basically, We Love What We Do. We have the necessary talent and skills to help you realize your vision.